
Workplace Injuries: Not Claiming Compensation Might Cost More

Despite the type of workplace injury, those who happen to get into an unenviable situation might have a valid compensation claim. Obviously, it depends on many circumstances, but in most cases – victims of unsafe workplaces or employer negligence most often feel whether they have a valid claim. If the injury happened within the last three years, it clearly resulted from a workplace accident, and there’s someone else to blame, legal experts say there’s no reason to hesitate. Still, many people do – because of common misconceptions and lack of knowledge leading to fear of losing work, thoughts of losing savings and getting nothing. Here are a few things you should know and why not claiming compensation might be more stressful and cost more than legal processes.

Struggling with the Unknown

Claiming compensation for workplace-related injuries takes work. The injury is a terrifying experience, not to mention doubts related to fellow colleagues, employers and the situation you’ll put them in. However, in such cases, they’re not the victims, and they might be the ones to put you in this situation in the first place. So, if they’ve been negligent, it’s wise to consider contacting a lawyer (адвокат в лондон) and claiming compensation.

Firstly, a secure workplace is not a privilege. It’s each employer’s duty. Also, if you’re worried about immediately putting your company’s finances at risk, remember – you claim against the employer’s liability insurance. It’s a legal requirement for most businesses.

The point here is that by consulting a law firm, you can address questions that would otherwise remain unanswered. Struggling with the unknown makes things even more complicated and, sadly, might lead to similar situations in the future. So, figuring out complex problems without professionals’ knowledge and experience likely leads to even more distress and upheaval.

Consider All Injury Related Expenses

Emotional harm and health problems resulting from an accident are apparent, but you must also objectively assess the financial losses. Not only the ones directly related to first aid and further medical services – consultations, rehabilitation, etc. Look at the broad picture – what impact an experienced injury has now and might have in the future. Consider all the expenses:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Maybe damage to your property
  • Related travel expenses
  • Etc.

If you would not claim compensation, don’t have a full-fledged insurance agreement and your employer deny responsibility, you’ll have to cover all those expenses yourself. And on top of that – obscurity, stress.

While it doesn’t sound logical, there are still victims who choose to deal with all of it themselves. Why? Partly because of fear of putting their livelihood at risk (remember, the law gives you protection) and because of a lack of knowledge about legal services. For instance, a belief that in case of losing the case, savings will be lost too. Legal experts debunk this groundless fear – there are law firms that operate on a “no win – no fee” basis. This means you must only pay if the compensation claim case is successful.

Opie Grey
the authorOpie Grey